Invest in NAPLES Soap Company

Naturally Better Skincare

Top Reasons To Invest…

15 years of proven success

$12.3M in sales in 2023

70-90% retail product margins across 600+ SKUs

Developing proprietary 3D Plant Stem Cell products using NASA bioreactor technology

Omni-channel health and wellness company with
13 retail stores, thriving e-commerce and wholesale operations


Time-based Bonuses

Bonus Shares

Invest within the first month


Invest Within the next month


Amount-based Bonuses

Bonus Shares

Invest $2,500+


Invest $5,000+


Invest $10,000+


Invest $25,000+


Invest $100,000+


70% of Americans believe they have sensitive skin.1

But harsh chemicals dominate the $512B global beauty and personal care products market 2


Phthalates: Toxic at high levels and linked to hormone disruption.
Parabens: Can cause reproductive disorders, endocrine disruption, skin irritations
Polyethylene glycols (PEG): Linked to certain cancers

Reality Check:

Big beauty companies still use harsh chemicals because they’re cheap.

Chemical Overload:

The average American woman is exposed to 168 chemical ingredients from cosmetics.

Regulation Is Lax:

The FDA doesn’t test cosmetic products for safety before they hit the market.

Yet more of us face serious skin conditions than ever before

30M+ have Eczema 3
8M+ suffer from Psoriasis 4
60-70% believe they have sensitive skin 5

Not all Soap Is Created Equal

People are Flocking to Natural Skin care Products

Booming Market:

Natural skin care products are an $8.1B market, growing at a 12% CAGR—that’s double the rate of traditional beauty products.

Consumer Shift:

1 in 3 consumers are reaching for natural skin care products.

Natural Revolution:

The skin care revolution is here, and it’s au naturale.

Naples Soap Company:
Natural, Effective Skin care for All

Since Naples Soap Co. opened its doors in 2009, people from all over the world have become passionate users of our products.

Sensitive Skin Solutions:

Our fragrance-free line for those with eczema, psoriasis, and other skin concerns

Body Care:

Natural soaps, sea salt soaps, body butters, and moisturizers

Hair Care:

Eco-friendly shampoo and conditioner bars

Face Care:

Cleansers, toners, and anti-aging treatments

Specialty Products:

Accessories, shower steamers, and more for self-care indulgence


A Natural Skincare Empire

15 years of success has positioned us for omni-channel growth across:

A thriving e-commerce platform

Ever expanding wholesale operations

13 Naples Soap Company retail locations

70-90% retail product margins across 600+ SKUs

70-90% retail product margins across 600+ SKUs

Meet our founder:
former Nurse & skin care pioneer

Deanna Wallin

Founder and CEO, Naples Soap Co.

“As a former nurse and a mother, I’ve battled eczema and psoriasis my whole life, trying every product on the market without success. Frustrated by ineffective, chemical-laden solutions, I began creating natural skincare products that actually worked for my daughter and me. This personal quest led me to found Naples Soap Company in 2009, starting with a tiny 300 sq. ft. store.

Today, we’ve grown to 13 retail locations across Florida, with thriving e-commerce and wholesale operations, offering over 600 natural products that have helped countless people find relief from chronic skin issues. Now, we’re poised to take our proven formulas nationwide, expanding our wholesale partnerships and e-commerce reach to bring effective, natural skincare solutions to millions more Americans struggling with sensitive skin.”


Meet our insanely loyal customers

Sensitive soap from Naples yay!

I want to let you all know that if you have any skin issues you might consider trying the Naples Sensitive soap and other products. I am highly allergic to many other products and didn’t know it. My skin seemed to be very dry, itchy and so times even scaly in some sections. Especially on my arms for some reason. I decided to try the fragrance free sensitive round soap. Right away the clean feel was obvious. It rinses off so well. Over time, a month or so my itchy skin stopped bothering me. The rough part started too disappear completely. Amazing, right now my skin is totally clear and I am able to put on lotions without any problems. This is the only soap I will use forever now. Why would I go back to issues I’ve had before. Btw, I know the price might sound high but I’m here too tell you each bar lasts a very long time and doesn’t melt into a mushy mess as other…



I can finally wear my wedding ring again!!!
I have been dealing with horrible eczema on the backs of my hands and wrists. I happened to be in Naples in February and was walking past the store and the hand written sign outside caught my eye. It said they had products to help me eczema. I walked in and the staff were so incredibly nice and helpful. I bought the fragrance free soap and moisturizer and now after four month of using it daily, I can finally wear my wedding ring again!! I hadn’t been able to wear it in almost a year! I travel a lot for work but I never leave home without these products! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!


I have before and after photos and would love to post them here!






“I asked, ‘Who are you and what else do you have if you can heal my mother’s eczema with just a bar of soap?’ Here I am, 14 years later, running the Wellen Park-Venice location!” – Sam

How do you turn a mid-size company into a household name?

Find a hero product that people love, and market it like crazy.

Shampoo Bars:

Our not-so-secret weapon

This little bar packs a punch. Out of our 600 products, our shampoo and conditioner bars have emerged as our most beloved, scalable, and brand-defining products. 

So we’re going all in. 

What are these bars?

This is the product that can define Naples Soap Company, so we’ve hired a sales team fully dedicated to scaling wholesale sales of our shampoo and conditioner bars. 

We’re raising money to take this product nationwide. 

Shampoo and Conditioner in an eco-friendly bar format (goodbye plastic)

TSA friendly and leak-free

Contains no harmful chemicals or badditives

Our customers love them

And the kicker – no one does them better then we do

Why this is the product to scale?

Over 1M bars sold

Over $6M in sales since 2019

Sales growing as a % of total NSC sales every year

But that’s not our only plan…. 

Natural Skincare Meets
NASA Bioreactor Technology

Boldly going where no soap company has gone before

Introducing Biome 33:

Using proprietary NASA technology, we’re able to produce proprietary products derived from plant stem cells, that are more concentrated, stable, and effective than what’s on the market.

The Science Behind Our
Space-Age Skin care

Space-Tested Quality:

Originally developed to protect astronauts’ skin in extreme space environments- proven on over 9 space missions.

3D Stem Cell Technology:

Creates plant-based stem cells with more surface area and higher efficacy than traditional 2D cells.

Hall of Fame Innovation:

Our bioreactor technology is recognized in the Space Technology Hall of Fame.

This NASA-Inspired Innovation Opens Up Massive Opportunities:

Patented Formulations:

Potential for exclusive, patented skin care products that our competitors simply can't replicate.

High-End Market Access:

Our advanced technology positions us to compete in premium anti-aging skin care segments.

White Label Potential:

Opportunity to create exclusive formulations for high-end brands and skin care professionals.

Competitive Edge:

Significant advantage in product development and efficacy.

Meet The
Naples Soap Team

Deanna Wallin

Founder & CEO

  • Former nurse turned skin care pioneer
  • Transformed a 300 sq ft store into a $12M personal care empire
  • Leveraging her nursing background to create effective health and wellness solutions
  • Named SBDC at FGCU Distinguished Entrepreneur of the Year 2024

Rick Kujak

Chief Financial Officer (July 2024)

  • Extensive experience in M&A and driving growth
  • Background in implementing financial initiatives for significant cost savings and revenue growth
  • Expertise in scaling companies nationally

Jim Milner

Controller (previous CFO for 11 years)

  • 11 years with Naples Soap Company
  • Over 25 years of experience as CFO in retail, manufacturing, and non-profit industries
  • Steered the company through its public listing and subsequent growth

Why we’re raising capital

Scaling our natural skincare solutions nationwide needs funding, and we want the people who believe in our mission—from long-time customers to future converts—to be part of our growth story.

With your investment, we plan to:

Scale our wholesale operations and digital presence

Accelerate R&D for our NASA-backed Biome 33 anti-aging product line

Expand our manufacturing relationships to meet growing demand

Boost marketing for national brand awareness 

Got Questions?

We’ve Got Answers
(and Great Skin)

Our manufacturing agreements to utilize NASA-licensed technology gives us a unique edge in anti-aging product development. Plus, our focus on natural, effective solutions for sensitive skin sets us apart in a market dominated by harsh chemicals.

We offer a unique blend of proven success (15 years in business) and cutting-edge innovation (NASA technology). Plus, everyone needs soap—it’s a stable market with growth potential.

Hurricane Ian hit us hard in 2022, but our rapid recovery and 2023 sales of $12.3M demonstrate our resilience and strong customer loyalty.

Our NASA-licensed 3D stem cell technology allows us to create more effective, natural anti-aging formulations. Plus, our products are specifically designed for sensitive skin issues like eczema and psoriasis.

Our products are made with natural ingredients and undergo rigorous internal testing. We avoid harsh chemicals and prioritize gentle, effective formulations.

We’re focusing on growing our wholesale operations and e-commerce presence nationally. Our new product lines are designed for national distribution through major retailers.

The NASA bioreactor technology allows us to create 3D stem cells from plants, resulting in more potent and effective skincare ingredients. It’s literally rocket science for your face and body.

We’re projecting sales of $15-$16M for 2024, with continued growth as we expand nationally and introduce new product lines.*


*Statements regarding our product development roadmap are forward-looking and based on current expectations and assumptions. These plans are subject to risks and uncertainties, including supply chain disruptions, regulatory changes, and evolving customer needs, which could impact the timing and success of future product launches.

Our new Function: Fresh line and eco-friendly products like shampoo bars appeal to younger, environmentally-conscious consumers.

As a company already committed to natural, safe ingredients, we’re well-positioned to meet any increased regulations. In fact, stricter rules could benefit us by leveling the playing field.

While DIY is popular, our products offer convenience, consistent quality, and the benefits of our new product lines created with NASA-licensed technology – something you can’t replicate at home.

We’re focusing on national expansion first, with plans to explore international markets starting in 2027, targeting specific product lines for export.

We’ve cultivated strong relationships with suppliers over 15 years. Our R&D team also works on alternatives to ensure we’re not overly reliant on any single ingredient.

We’re proud of our stable team, with many corporate and warehouse employees having 6-7 years of tenure. We offer competitive benefits and an employee stock option program.

We prioritize eco-friendly options like our popular shampoo bars, which reduce plastic waste. We’re continually exploring sustainable packaging options for all our products.

About Startup Investing

Regulation A+ allows investors to invest in startups and early-growth companies. This is different from helping a company raise money on Issuance; with Regulation A+ Offerings, you aren’t buying products or merchandise – you are buying a piece of a company and helping it grow.

Accredited investors can invest as much as they want. But if you are NOT an accredited investor, your investment limit depends on either your annual income or net worth, whichever is greater. If the number is less than $124,000, you can only invest 5% of it. If both are greater than $124,000 then your investment limit is 10%.

To calculate your net worth, just add up all of your assets and subtract all of your liabilities (excluding the value of the person’s primary residence). The resulting sum is your net worth.

We cannot give tax advice, and we encourage you to talk with your accountant or tax advisor before making an investment.

Individuals over 18 years of age can invest.

Investing in startups is risky and there is no guarantee you will get a return on your investment. However, an exit opens up the opportunity where you could convert your shares into cash or a more liquid asset. Exits include going public, getting acquired by a larger company, or our company buying back shares. If the value of our company grows, then you have a higher potential of making a profit on your investment during one of these exits.

There will always be some risk involved when investing in a startup or small business. And the earlier you get in the more risk that is usually present. If a young company goes out of business, your ownership interest could lose all value. You may have limited voting power to direct the company due to dilution over time.  You may also have to wait about five to seven years (if ever) for an exit via acquisition, IPO, etc. Because early-stage companies are still in the process of perfecting their products, services, and business model, nothing is guaranteed. That’s why startups should only be part of a more balanced, overall investment portfolio.

The Series A Preferred Stock (the “Shares”) of Naples Soap Company (the “Company”) is not publicly traded. As a result, the shares cannot be easily traded or sold. As an investor in a private company, you typically look to receive a return on your investment under the following scenarios: The Company gets acquired by another company. The Company goes public (makes an initial public offering). In those instances, you receive your pro-rata share of the distributions that occur, in the case of acquisition, or you can sell your shares on an exchange. These are both considered long-term exits, taking approximately 5-10 years (and often longer) to see the possibility for an exit. It can sometimes take years to build companies. Sometimes there will not be any return, as a result of business failure.

If a company does not reach its minimum funding target, all funds will be returned to the investors after the close of the offering.

All available disclosure information can be found on the offering pages for our Regulation Crowdfunding offering.

You can cancel your investment at any time, for any reason, until 48 hours prior to a closing occurs. If you’ve already funded your investment and your funds are in escrow, your funds will be promptly refunded to you upon cancellation. To request a refund email

At a minimum, Naples Soap Company will be filing with the SEC and posting on it’s website an annual report, along with certified financial statements. Those should be available 120 days after the fiscal year end. If Naples Soap Company meets a reporting exception, or eventually has to file more reported information to the SEC, the reporting described above may end. If these reports end, you may not continually have current financial information about Naples Soap Company.

Once an offering ends, Naples Soap Company may continue its relationship with DealMaker Securities for additional offerings in the future. DealMaker Securities’ affiliates may also provide ongoing services to Naples Soap Company. There is no guarantee any services will continue after the offering ends.

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